It has become a fad to criticise the government, during chat sessions within a group of friends. However few are aware of the actual ‘good’ the government is aspiring to and has in reality brought about. One such endeavour is in the area of self-employment. The government of India has created a number of mandates or schemes which are implemented by different NGOs and are focussed towards creating more options for self and waged employment. Regional Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (RCED) is one such dedicated NGO focused towards creating solutions to the growing problem of scarcity of jobs.
RCED is one of the oldest social sector organisations in the country. It implements almost all the schemes on behalf of various ministries for skill training for waged workers as well as self-employment projects, across the length and breadth of North India. RCED provides hand holding support to the Small and Medium Scale enterprises. This helps them to overcome the teething problems in formation of a registered enterprise, dealing with the financial institutions, procuring raw materials and finding correct market to sell. The Organisation has helped to setup more than 25,000 Small and Medium Scale Enterprises over a span of more than two decades and skill trained more than 50,000 youth. Mr. Paramjit Singh, Principal Consultant at RCED says, “If you skill train an entrepreneur and help him establish a new venture, you automatically create more jobs in the region.”
RCED has world class, domain specific trainers. Some of them have even relinquished their high paying jobs in the corporate sector to train and hand-hold the youth towards making them economically self-sufficient.
RCED has a large number of success stories to its credit as it has a vast area of operation, the entire North India. There are a number of ventures which started humbly with small loans under government schemes but have developed into successful and immensely profitable companies, thanks to the nurturing support provided by RCED.
RCED is doing a commendable and unmatched job of creating more employment opportunities for the youth. We at GNBC endeavour to mobilise more youth so that they can avail maximum opportunities that RCED has to offer and become the skilled talent of the future.