Saturday, 15th March, 2025

GOI honors Local Administration for Good Governance!

For a country like India, a strong and active local government is not just a political manifestation of grass roots democracy but also a dire necessity, given its diverse culture. Diversity requires that scheme is implemented as per local requirement and resources.

Given that local bodies are in nascent stage and have to deliver in the difficult social, political and economic background, it is laudable that the Government of India (GOI) has come forward to encourage, support and appreciate good performance at local level. So that it becomes a model for others to replicate.

The ministry of urban development, GOI, at the Urban Mobility India Conference awarded and honoured city administrations that contributed to efficient, safe and eco- friendly urban mobility. The Gurgaon police and Bhopal traffic police jointly won the award for ‘Best Initiative for Improved Road Safety’ while Chhattisgarh and Raipur won an award for ‘Best city bus service’.

It was commendable that taking the lead in eco-friendly mobility, Rajkot and Indore municipal corporations won recognition in the ‘Non Motorised Transport System’ for bicycle sharing project.

These and many other categories of awards were conferred by the ministry, thus, giving a boost to the morale of not just the local bodies but also of local people, without whose cooperation such initiatives cannot succeed.

It must be ensured now that the good work started is maintained and improved upon. The GOI can also think of broadening the ambit of these awards to other urban functions as also to rural initiatives. Good governance at local level can, thus, lead to good governance at state and national levels.


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