India’s Agricultural plight isn’t hidden from anyone. A country with maximum number of population engaged in agriculture still has it’s farmers committing suicides due to various reasons. However, this is about to change now. Vijayaragavan Viswanathan, a scientist with the European Organization for Nuclear Research has now developed a mobile app called SmartAgri that will transfer important information like soil, temperature, soil moisture, minerals present and deficit directly to the farmers’ cell phones.
The main reason for developing a mobile app is because in a vast country like India, massive utility and penetration of this technology through out the country. So, with this, the information can be disseminated directly to the illiterate farmers living in remote areas, without any problem.
Even though SmartAgri is still in pipeline because it’s struggling to manage finances, various other cell phones based apps are coming up to provide information. One such app is being created by Jayalaxmi Agro Tech. Through this app illiterate farmers would be provided with crop specific information that too with audio-visual tools.
Apart from lack of education, presence of middlemen as well as fluctuating crop prices is also a huge challenge for farmers. To curb this ‘MandiTrades’ aims to provide them with exact information regarding crop prices and RainbowAgri promises to end the need of middlemen by directly connecting buyers and sellers. Last but not the least mPowerSocial will be providing veterinary advice to the cattle owners.
News Reference: Modern Farmers
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Wow Deepali… Great initiative. Read all of your articles but commenting just one of it 😉 However, I am proud of you and it’s great work that you are doing. Make sure it reaches out to every citizen and all those who are saying ache din nahi aayenge can learn the lesson.
I wait for your articles and it makes my day. But I want more Education articles from your sides.