Saturday, 15th March, 2025

Car Rally for the Visually Impaired

visually-impaired-studentsThe non-profit organization, ‘Round Table India’ (RTI) organised a car rally for the visually impaired, with an attempt to raise funds for Institute for the Blind in Sector 26, Chandigarh. The rally was titled, “Blind Man Rally”. The visually impaired participated by becoming navigators for the rally drivers.  Braille route maps were used by the 40 cars that participated in the rally. The rally was flagged off by Mr Rupinderjit Singh Brar, UT Director Public Instructions Schools. Three participants having the least penalty points were adjudged winners and cash prizes were given to them and the navigators. A similar rally was conducted in other states as well.

The rally was conducted on Valentine’s Day to send out a message that one can spread love by making the day special for the visually impaired. The good news is that the visually impaired students experienced the excitement of a car rally and got the opportunity to exhibit their skills and vision overcoming every limitation. The initiative encouraged close bonds between all the participants and gave a boost to the self confidence of the visually impaired.

News Source: Times Of India | Indian Express | Tribune Round Table India
Image Source: India News Calling

About The Author

Aashna is psychologist, an avid blogger and a renowned entrepreneur. She runs her own startup called ‘Psychopedia’ which is a Psychology Coaching Institute. She hopes to make this world a happy & a positive place by break the barriers against seeking psychological help and encouraging common people to reach out for help. Her blog which is full of love & positivist is called ‘Faith’

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