A Coffee and Hug- All It Takes to Win for Women Rights
If I recall correctly, it was the month of May in the year 2010, when I received a call in from Mrs Neeta Tripathi around 2:00 am. “Are you committed to working for the welfare of people? Will you work for the betterment of society? if you do, then immediately get out of your house and meet me at Kandival” I was baffled and mustered up the courage to ask, “But at least tell me what had happened? I am in Andheri right now.” She replied, “There is a woman in distress, her husband has been violently hitting her.” I have just received a distress call. “We have to go there immediately and bring her out and support her while she files an FIR in the police station.” As promptly she had called, Neeta disconnected the call. Today, after 6 years since our first interaction she is the same resilient, stubborn and innocent woman who armed with her pure intent alone, goes to great extents to safeguard the women victims who approach her for help.
Mrs Neeta Tripathi is a regular woman next door who goes about the daily mundane chores of buying vegetables or shopping for her children, like any other commoner. However, when it comes to standing up for the rights of women, she often can be spotted in police stations supporting the women victims, on the streets leading non – violent protests and in coffee shops counselling the victims and their families.
“Just a cup of Coffee and a hug will do”, is her response when any one asks her how they may repay her after a case ends favourably for the victims.
She was the Maharashtra Chairwoman of a National Political party – United Women Front (founded by Mrs Suman Krishankant, wife of Mr Krishan Kant who was the Vice President of the Sovereign Democratic Republic of India) and has been working laboriously for years for the protection and rehabilitation of women crime victims. She now works as an Honorary President for Ati Jeevan Foundation, an organisation which is dedicated to the cause of working with acid attack victims.
Most people search for the deeper meaning of life and turn to spirituality after a certain age. On the other hand, there are people like Mrs Neeta Tripathi, who become more sensitive towards social evils and engage their energies in the betterment of the society.
The zest and passion for servitude in Mrs Neeta Tripathi’s thought and action is an inspiration for many, and can be the cue to many complacent and dormant individuals to act. If you know of someone like her, please share your story at editor@gnbc.in