Saturday, 15th March, 2025

Did You Get Your Cervical Cancer Vaccine?

After breast cancer, it is the Cervical Cancer that consumes lives of maximum number of women in India. According to evidence provided by Dr Rajendra Badwe, director of Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, approximately 70,000 women suffer from it annually. The good news now is that, it is completely preventable.

cervical-cancer-vaccine-1Central Government taking cognizance of its risk to so many of women has decided to take this up under the National Immunisation Plan. It is now working on an idea with National and International Oncologists to offer Cervical Cancer vaccination to the girls.

To make this very good initiative take the shape of reality, oncologists from all over the world have come together for a three day conference at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. They have gathered to focus on India’s biggest concern that is to reduce the high mortality due to cervical cancer and also its pressing need to take the immediate steps to safeguard women, said Dr Freddie Bray.

With the introduction of this vaccine in India, it won’t be the only country who is fighting against this monstrous disease. This vaccination has already been implemented successfully in various countries, US being the foremost. Dr Freddie Bray and Professor Julian Peto have highlighted the challenge India faces in making this available to everyone. Apart from reaching out to the general population, another concern is the cost of vaccine. Countries like US, UK, Netherlands, Australia, Israel and Switzerland provide this vaccination for free. Hence, India is also working on a plan to make this vaccination be part of National Immunisation Plan.

News Source: Times of India
Image Source: Independent

About The Author

Deepali is a determined spirit committed to the cause of discovering new avenues and exploring new possibilities, not only for herself but also for everyone around her.Her incessant quest for ‘what else’ led her to become a writer. Broadcasting her stories for the radio was a major breakthrough for her. Now, her first novel is at the threshold of publication. Deepali is a professor of English language who chooses to be a journalist, besides being a passionate writer. She draws her inspiration from a cup of coffee sipped in solitude, an animated exchange of views with family and friends and traveling to unravel the mysteries of nature.

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