A three day musical event Gurgaon Utsav, based on the theme ‘Kabir Vani‘, was organised at the Amphitheatre in the Arvali Biodiversity Park, Gurgaon. An initiative of the Arts and Literature Foundation, the event was organised by the Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon and Department of Cultural Affairs,Haryana.
On day 1, Mukhtiyar Ali evoked the mysticism and deep sense of spirituality by blending Rajasthani folk with Kabir’s Poetry. On the second day, Shubha Mugdal perfomed ‘Kabir Vani‘ followed by Dr.Madan Gopal Singh’s and Chaar Yaar’s perfomances on the last day.
The connoisseurs like Hari Sukhmani, Sonam Kalra, Mame Khan brought their special interpretations of music from different parts of India by singing the poetry of Sufi poets of Rajasthan and Sindh and also folk forms of Punjab.
This year a new dimension was added to the festival with the preview of the forthcoming Times Litfest Delhi with a discussion between William Dalaymple and Githa Hariharan.
“William, with his understanding and unique interpretation of Indian history during the sunset years of the Mughals, is set off against Githa Hariharan’s fictional craft that studies the evolution of relationships in today’s urban landscape,” offers Uma Prakash of the Arts and Literature Foundation.
The event transported everyone to the era that belonged to the great poet and saint Kabir.
News Source: Times Of India | The Hindu | Whatsup Gurgaon
Image Source: Times of India