IIT Kharagpur has recently added another feather to its cap by bagging the award for being the top academic institute for patents in 2016 to be conferred by the Government of India.
This award is given every year to outstanding innovators, organisations and companies that have produced exemplary work in the field of patents, designs as well as trademarks.
Mr Partha Pratim Chakraborty who is currently serving as IIT Kharagpur’s director disclosed the news after receiving a letter from the Union Ministry of Commerce and Industry informing of the achievement by the institute. Mr Chakraborty gave the entire credit of bagging the award to their initiative of 100 patents drive.
The award will be given to the institute on 26th April, 2016 by none other than Ms Nirmala Sitharaman, Union Minister. This award will be given at a function in Delhi that would be organised by Indian Intellectual Property office to celebrate World Intellectual Property Day. The award money is a huge sum of INR 1,00,000; a citation as well as a memento are also included.
To make the procedure of filing patents simplified and easily accessible, IIT is running an IP Portal wherein the students can register their ideas and then can work to make them a reality. Apart from making a name in research and development on the global front, filing of patents also helps the institute in getting consultancy work as well as various projects wherein R&D is required, stated Prof Goutam Saha.
It has indeed been a great achievement for IIT- Kharagpur for bagging an award of national significance. India is slowly and steadily making its presence felt in the field of research and development. It is a cherished dream to see many more institutes getting these awards and making India proud.
News Source: NDTV
Image Source: IIT, Kharagpur