Saturday, 15th March, 2025

Snapdeal Partners with IIT Delhi Scholars to Innovate and Ease Mobility and Safety for the Visually Impaired

E-commerce marketplace Snapdeal has partnered with IIT Delhi and Phoenix Medical Solutions to sell ‘SmartCane’ online,  priced at Rs 3500. SmartCane is advanced version of white cane used by visually impaired people and ensure independent mobility and safety of the user. It can be mounted on traditional white cane carried by visually impaired.


Using ultrasonic ranging, SmartCane, the device uses ultrasonic range detection to sense objects in its path and generates a tactile feedback in the form of different vibratory patterns. This inturn helps predict above knee-level obstacles. This spatial awareness embedded in the system further ensures safety against collisions.

Speaking of the launch, Mr Tony Navin, Senior Vice President, Partnerships and Strategic Initiatives, Snapdeal said, “SmartCane is a fine example of technology solving real life problems of people, and we at Snapdeal take immense pride in bringing the latest innovations to the market. A smart product, SmartCane addresses the concern of independence and safety of those with visual impairment. We are confident that this product will be well received and our customers will also come forward to donate SmartCane to NGOs working with persons with visual impairment.”

Smartcane Team Lead Mr M Balakrishnan, Professor at IIT Delhi revealed that the product was initiated as a class project. While explaining and commenting on the need for such a product and the importance of this association he added “It is an outcome of several years of joint effort of academia, industry and user community to make in India an affordable device that conforms to International quality standards. The online availability of such assistive technology products will go a long way in empowering persons with visual disabilities,”

At present the device is already being used by more than 10,000 people.The good news here is also that the customer can also donate SmartCane using the Snapdeal Sunshine Platform and the product will be directly shipped to NGO partner Saksham, who will then help empower the visually impaired have a better experience each day.

News Source: News18 | TOI | The Tech Portal | First Post | Business Standard
Image Source: Deccan Chronicle

About The Author

Aashna is psychologist, an avid blogger and a renowned entrepreneur. She runs her own startup called ‘Psychopedia’ which is a Psychology Coaching Institute. She hopes to make this world a happy & a positive place by break the barriers against seeking psychological help and encouraging common people to reach out for help. Her blog which is full of love & positivist is called ‘Faith’

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