Saturday, 15th March, 2025

Yoga Reduces Effects of Asthma, Claims a New Study

We have known from ages that yoga is the answer to almost all the ailments and it should be practised daily for a healthy living.

Supporting this is a study published by Mr Zuyao Yang from Chinese University of Hong Kong. In Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews a reputed journal, Mr Yang  maintains that if an asthmatic patient performs yoga, she/he may experience some relief, thereby leading to an improvement in the quality of life.

The research was conducted upon 1048 men and women in 15 randomised controlled trials. These trials were conducted in India, Europe and USA. The subjects had mild to moderate asthma that had been troubling them from a minimum 6 months to more than 23 years.

Various studies were conducted on the subjects from a time span of two weeks to over four years. Six of the studies majorly recorded the effects of breathing during the yoga exercise whereas other studies analysed the effects of yoga on breathing, posture as well as meditation. During this time period, most of the people continued to take their asthma medication as already prescribed to them.

It was found that the subject’s quality of life improved due to yogic exercises and the impact of asthma decreased to a moderate level. Mr Yang observed, “However, it is unclear whether yoga has a consistent impact on lung function and we don’t yet know if yoga can reduce people’s medication usage, or if there are any side-effects of yoga for people with asthma,”.

Slowly and steadily people are becoming aware of the benefits of yoga and it is just a matter of time that the whole world would understand that yoga is essential for leading a healthy and stress-free life.

News Source: Indian Express

About The Author

Deepali is a determined spirit committed to the cause of discovering new avenues and exploring new possibilities, not only for herself but also for everyone around her.Her incessant quest for ‘what else’ led her to become a writer. Broadcasting her stories for the radio was a major breakthrough for her. Now, her first novel is at the threshold of publication. Deepali is a professor of English language who chooses to be a journalist, besides being a passionate writer. She draws her inspiration from a cup of coffee sipped in solitude, an animated exchange of views with family and friends and traveling to unravel the mysteries of nature.

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