Road safety has come to figure on the government’s top priority list. Weeks after Union Transport Ministry’s bill to control underage driving, a group of state transport ministers have come together to control other major problems like over speeding, dangerous driving, jumping traffic signal, drunk driving, using mobile phone while driving and not wearing helmet.
Although the provisions governing these offenses already exist, yet the GoM has approved inserting a new section section in the Motor Vehicles Act to make the penalties stricter and curtail laws violation. The new section may result in on-the-spot suspension of driving licenses and a compulsory refresher training for offenders. The GoM has also approved immediate withdrawal of advertisements, films and TV serials that show speeding and rash driving without “adequate warning” on the screen. This will help in de-glamorising such acts and spreading the message of the dangers involved in them. Stricter penalties have also been notified for road rage offenses. These include:-
- First time offenders – fine of Rs.5000 or six months jail. Repetition of same offense – Rs. 10,000 fine and two years jail.
- Higher penalties for drivers who fail to take crash victims to hospitals -six months jail or Rs. 2000 fine.
- Driving without insurance – Rs. 2000 fine and three months jail.
Fines have also been proposed for vehicle component dealers who are found selling non-approved safety items. Stringent penalties have been recommended for non-compliance of automobile regulations by vehicle manufacturers and mandatory recall of vehicles within a stipulated period.
These series of steps, if implemented in their letter and spirit, will go a long way in turning roads safer and citizens, more responsible.
News Source: TOI | Prameya News7 | 9India