The consumers can now heave a sigh of relief and not worry about getting over charged while buying bottled water, beverages, snack items etc. at malls, multiplexes, railway stations, airports, luxury hotels and some big restaurants. The consumer affairs department has made an unprecedented statement in its advisory to the state governments that a single commodity cannot have two maximum retail prices (MRPs) at the same time.
A senior department official from Consumer Affairs while speaking to The Times of India asserted that orders have been made by the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission that there cannot be dual MRPs on any packaged item. The state governments have been alerted so that no one sells packaged goods at multiple prices within a particular region. In case of multiple MRPs, the lowest one will be treated the actual price.
State governments have been notified to inspect and verify the packaging of bread at different manufacturing units. A number of complaints were received by the consumer department bringing to light the fact that the actual weight of packaged bread was less than as printed. If the government see the manufacturers flouting any rule, it is authorized to take strict action.
This is certainly good news for the nation reeling under the affect of cash crunch due to demonetization. Over a number of years, we had accepted it that it is ok to pay hiked up prices for even water in multiplexes and restaurants. This crack down from the government certainly generates more faith among the masses.
News Source: Financial Express | DNA | India Today
Image Source: GG2 (Representational Image)