Bringing cheers to the Indian women, the Indian Defence Ministry has given its nod to the Indian Air Force proposal to induct women as fighter pilots. With this decision, Indian Air Force has become the pioneer amongst the three armed forces to open the active combat zone for the fairer sex.
The proud pilots will be selected from the current batch at the Air Force Academy. In June 2016, after successful completion of the training, they will be commissioned as fighter pilots. And after another year of rigorous and advanced training, the first Indian women combat pilots will be in the cockpits of frontline fighter jets.
Air Force has 1,500 women, of which 94 are pilots and 14 are navigators. Currently, they serve as transport and helicopter pilots, but are not exposed to direct combat. This landmark decision has made them eligible for induction in all branches and streams of the IAF.
The move has boosted women’s confidence and reinvigorated in them the zeal to fight the patriarchal mindset and carve a niche for themselves. With the backing of an organisation like the IAF itself, known for the derogatory glass ceiling hitherto, better days can be expected ahead. Misogyny and age-old stereotypes will have to give way to gender equality in the true sense.
“This progressive step is in keeping with the aspirations of Indian women and is in line with contemporary trends in armed forces of developed nations…Inducting women into the fighter stream would provide them with an equal opportunity to prove their mettle in combat roles as well.” the ministry statement said.
The decision is part of the Ministry’s comprehensive review pertaining to induction of women in Armed Forces both in short service commission and permanent commission. Thus becoming the harbinger of good news for women, with their increased active participation in the country’s defence.
Long awaited step !!